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 ADA Compliance | Web Services

People with disabilities have the right to full and equal participation in all walks of life.

Accessible accommodations allow people with different disabilities such as the blind and visually impaired, people with physical disabilities who have difficulty operating their hands, people with cognitive disabilities such as dyslexia and ADHD, people with hearing impairments and others with disabilities, to make effective use of the services and information offered on the site.

Some examples of guidelines for sites for people with disabilities:

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A blind user uses software that can read information from the computer. When browsing the site, the website should be adjusted so it will be able to read all texts in logical order, obtain a description of information contained in the images, identify headings and links and be able to run everything on the site such as Links, Forms and Buttons.

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A user with a disability who is unable to operate a mouse or similar facility can navigate the site and perform operations using commands provided through the keyboard.

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The text on the website is relatively conspicuously colored in the background, enabling people whose vision is poor to read.


People with hearing impairments can obtain the verbal information provided on videos on the site by adding captions to the videos.

Web accessibility can actually benefit everyone, including people without disabilities. Web accessibility is about making web design flexible, increasing usability for all. Also, it has been shown that web accessibility can have a very positive affect financially, technically, and through public perception of an organization.

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Using our cutting edge technology based on unique AI algorithms we can help you make your website and all your digital content accessible without modifying your code.

Contact us. At no cost or commitment, we will provide you with a free risk assessment. Schedule to get your questions answered and receive a demonstration of our solutions today!

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Legal Concerns?

Have you received a complaint or demand letter?          Worried you might be at risk of getting one?

The number of ADA Title III lawsuits filed in federal court in 2018 hit a record high of 10,163 – up 34% from 2017 when the number was a mere 7,663. This is by far the highest number of annual filings since we started tracking these numbers in 2013, when the number of federal filings was only 2,722. In other words, the number of cases has more than tripled.

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California, New York, and Florida led the pack by a wide margin as the states with the most ADA Title III lawsuits, with Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Alabama making the top ten but trailing far behind. Nevada, Colorado, and Utah fell out of the top ten in 2018, displaced by newcomers Alabama, Arizona, and Massachusetts. No ADA Title III lawsuits were filed in Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming.

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Need 100% Compliance?

Take advantage of our full remediation service if you need 100% compliance. Contact us to learn about our auto widget + manual audit solutions that are backed with a $1,000,000 Warranty.


Our solution works with many common platforms, including Wordpress, Drupal, Wix, Squarespace, Magento, GoDaddy, Weebly, Joomla, Shopify, Duda and more! For custom sites, an HTML integration is available.