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Cloud Hosting

For as long as we have been building websites, we have been offering hosting services. What started as simple website hosting and email services has evolved over the years as much as the Internet itself has. A short list of the hosting services we offer include:

  • Web Hosting

  • Email and Exchange Server Hosting

  • Windows and Linux Server Hosting

  • Private VM Hosting

  • Disaster Recovery Replication Hosting

  • Email Archiving

  • Spam Filtering

  • Off-Site Backup Repositories

All services are monitored, managed and backed up to regulatory compliance standards or a client’s preference – whichever standard is higher.

What Makes Us Different?

SSO differentiates itself using the word “Managed”.  As a SSO client you can ask questions that other providers wouldn’t have time, resources, or maybe permission to answer. We take the mystery out of where your data is and how it stays available and secure. You additionally have the cell phone number of the person responsible for the entire infrastructure. That means regardless of the question or issue, you will have access to the person with answers.

We provides Managed Cloud Hosting Services, from within Cari.net, a world class co-location facility located in San Diego, CA. Additional clients of the facility include governmental agencies, biomedical facilities, banking institutions, commercial organizations, and others. Network services and operations are monitored and staffed on-site 24×7. All services have multiple Internet providers, backup generators, climate control and are fully tested weekly as per UL and other regulatory requirements.

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Server Migration

Migration to Data Center / refactor and migrate to Azure Cloud

Hosting / Maintenance in Partner Data Center


SSAE 18 Compliant data center with single hop connections to All Tier 1 Global Bandwidth Providers.

Over 1.5 megawatts of redundant power throughout. Including Edge Routers, UPS systems and Generators.

Home to some of the largest enterprise companies in southern California.

Authorized access to services, facilities, and critical platforms is controlled using industry standards.

Physical security controls. All entrances are monitored by security personnel, in addition to two factor access control and utilize alarms for non-standard operations states. Data centers are staffed and patrolled by employees to enhance physical security features and to provide protection for critical services housed within the data centers.

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Digital Surveillance. Includes all building entrance, data center access points, and data center floor space.

Power & HVAC Systems. Data centers are designed to meet high standards of redundancy. These include critical power and cooling platforms which are provisioned in a fault-tolerant, A+B configuration. Critical power load for each facility is supported by both redundant UPS systems and redundant emergency power generation systems.

Web Design & Development

SSO and partners have been developing websites since 1994. We’ve seen a lot of things come and go over the years, but despite the evolution and changes, the constant over these years is an understanding that each project is as unique as the client themselves.

We’ve developed a specific methodology towards development that makes the client’s needs unique, but still follow a proven, adaptable and long-term approach to ensure it’s success.

Currently, a majority of the websites develop are built using WordPress, but we are familiar with other frameworks such as Joomla, Drupal, and some Symfony. Within the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) environment is where our expertise lies.

Post Launch Services

Once a website is completed, so begins the operation of running it. The specific tasks will be unique to the client’s business objectives – but there will always be some. Understanding those during development is a part of the process, to ensure things are done in a n efficient, well-controlled manner. Examples of post-launch responsibilities include:email newsletters and campaigns. SSO can help support or fully manage your post-launch needs.

  • Recurring services (i.e. hosting,domain names, SSL, etc.

  • Regular backups

  • Security Scans

  • Security Updates (includes framework, theme, plugins, and any 3rd party integrations)

  • Content updates

  • Marketing

    • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp, etc.)

    • Newsletters

    • Email Blasts

    • Marketing Campaigns

    • SEO, etc.

There’s more, but these give you a general idea.


ADA Compliance

People with disabilities have the right to full and equal participation in all walks of life.

Complimentary Consultations

Building, managing and marketing a website can make one wear a lot of hats. As a SSO client you can hire us to assist or ask questions that other providers might not have time, resources, knowledge or maybe permission to answer. It’s always good to have that additional degree of support available. If you would like to learn how our Managed Hosting Service might benefit your organization, please contact us. We offer a free, no-obligation initial consultation, and look forward to speaking with you.